Why is in news?

The number of persons who have benefitted under the State government’s ‘InnuyirKappom-NammaiKaakkum 48’ has crossed two lakhs.

About the Scheme:

  • Through this scheme, the State government will bear the expenses of emergency care for accident victims for the first 48 hours.
  • Under the scheme, the State government funded up to ₹1 lakh towards the treatment of persons injured in a road accident for the first 48 hours.
  • It was first rolled out at Chengalpattu.
  • Most lives can be saved if proper treatment is given within 48 hours Injured persons are covered under (CMCHIS – Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme).
  • Necessary surgeries and intensive care will be provided under this scheme.
  • Most life-saving emergency treatments are performed within the first 48 hours.
  • Although private hospitals are nearby, accident victims are taken to distant government hospitals, resulting in delays in emergency treatment. The scheme also covers those from other states and abroad.



  • The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is observed by the United Nations on 29 November each year.
  • It was chosen because of its meaning and significance to the Palestinian people.
  • On that day in 1947, the General Assembly adopted resolution 181 (II), which came to be known as the Partition Resolution.
  • This resolution provided for the establishment in Palestine of a “Jewish State” and an “Arab State.”


COP 28

Why is in news?

The 28th edition of the Conference of the Parties (COP) will begin in Dubai on November 30.

About COP:

  • COP is an international climate meeting organised annually by the United Nations (UN).
  • COP is short for Conference of the Parties.
  • ‘Parties’ is a reference to 198 countries that have joined the international treaty called the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
  • ‘Parties’ to the treaty have pledged to take voluntary actions to prevent “dangerous anthropogenic [human-caused] interference with the climate system.”

Kyoto Protocol

  • The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty that placed obligations on the set of rich and industrialised countries to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by assigned amounts.
  • It was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, and came into effect in 2005.
  • The treaty formally expired in 2020 and was replaced by the Paris Agreement as the main international treaty for coordinating global action against climate change.
  • Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015 at COP21 in Paris.



Why is in news?

The President advocated the establishment of an All-India Judicial Service to ensure diverse representation in the judiciary during an event celebrating Constitution Day at the Supreme Court.

About The proposed All-India Judicial Service:

  • The proposed All-India Judicial Service would identify
  • and nurture talent from across the country, promoting inclusivity.
  • The AIJS was added to the constitution in 1976 by the 42nd Constitution Amendment.
  • Article 312 of the Constitution provides for the establishment of the AIJS for posts of district judge and above
  • The AIJS will not include any post inferior to that of a District Judge


Why is in news?

The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) recommends declaring the Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary, adjoining Bandipur Tiger Reserve, as a core critical tiger habitat.

About Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary is situated north of Bandipur National Park in Mysore District of Karnataka, India.
  • The northern part of it is occupied by the Nugu Reservoir.
  • It serves as a home to many species of flora and fauna such as elephants, wild pigs, spotted deer, leopards, jungle cats, etc.
  • This wildlife sanctuary serves as a great tourist attraction.
  • It is a vulnerable area as far as human–elephant conflicts are concerned.
  • The recommendation to change it as a core critical tiger habitat is based on the ecological significance of Nugu, supporting diverse flora and fauna, including a high-density elephant population, tigers, leopards, and other wildlife species.