• The U.K. and Tamil Nadu are working together on a smart technology project for sustainable water, waste and resource management.
  • The project is titled as ‘Smart district administration using loT technologies for better quality of life.’
  • The ‘Smart district’ project aims to address global sustainability challenges by deploying sensors across the district.
  • It gathers data in real-time on water and waste management and environmental quality.
  • The sensors will analyse data patterns for efficient resource allocation.


  • Tilapia parvovirus (TiPV) is affecting farm-bred tilapia.
  • It is a freshwater fish species.
  • TiPV is causing a huge mortality rate.
  • It has been reported for the first time in India at ponds in Walajah in Ranipet district.
  • TiPV-positive was found through PCR [Polymerase Chain Reaction]. This DNA virus caused mortality ranging from 30% to 50% in the farm.
  • Mozambique tilapia was considered as “a poor-man’s fish.”
  • It was introduced to Indian fresh waterbodies in the 1950s.
  • It is called Jilabi in Tamil.
  • It is Capable of surviving in low-oxygen levels.
  • The fish has turned invasive across the country.
  • Nile tilapia was introduced in the 1970s.
  • It is bigger and cultured on a larger scale.
  • It available in the market at ₹100 to ₹150 per kg.
  • In 2022, the tilapia production was estimated to be about 70,000 tonnes, of which 30,000 tonnes come from aquaculture.
  • The TiPV was first reported in China in 2019 and in Thailand in 2021.
  • India is the third country to report its occurrence.


Why is in news?

  • Vizhinjam port welcomes its first vessel.
  • About Vizhinjam port
  • The Vizhinjam International Seaport is located in Thiruvananthapuram.
  • It is a multi-purpose port.
  • It is also the first automated port in India.
  • It is the sole port in the country to be located adjacent to an international shipping.
  • It just 10 nautical miles from the international shipping route connecting Europe, the Persian Gulf, and the Far East.


  • The organisms respond to unfavourable conditions by suspending their activities and go into a period of deep sleep. Summer sleep is called aestivation.
  • It is a biological phenomenon whereby the animal enters a long period of dormancy, or inactivity, in response to high temperature or maybe even drought-like conditions.
  • It is a survival strategy that helps the animal conserve energy and water in a difficult time.
  • During estivation, the animal often seeks shelter in a cool underground burrow, crevice or cocoon.
  • It will remain in a state of reduced metabolic activity, which in turn reduces the rate at which the body consumes energy.
  • Estivation can also be a way to avoid desiccation (extreme dryness of the skin).
  • It also lower the risk of being preyed on by a predator.

For example, the West African lungfish

  • (Protopterusannectens) burrows into the mud of a drying water body and secretes a cocoon of mucus around itself during a drought.
  • Desert tortoises (Gopherusagassizii) dig burrows and retreat into them in hot summer months.
  • Many land snails seal themselves in their shells with a mucous plug, and stay inactive until the conditions outside improve.


  • World Food Day is observed every year on October 16.
  • The event commemorates the establishment of United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 1945.
  • The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the issues like poverty and hunger and the adoptive measures for solution of these issues.
  • The theme of World Food Day 2023 is ‘Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind’.